This is 2024. Workshops for 2025 to be added soon.

Indoor – Photography Classes




Light . . .Shadow. . .Background (Part 1)

Thur. Jan. 25, 11:00am-12:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Kevin Loughlin (Wildside Nature Tours)

The art of photography is based upon light and shadow. Having a proper understanding of exposure will help you create better images of any subject and take your photography to the next level! What lies behind your subject can make or break your final image. Learning to pay attention to all elements in your image, especially the background, will help you get better photos. we will discuss using different lenses and depth of focus to isolate your subject or show it in its environment.


Texas: Big State with Big Diversity Exploring the Natural Beauty of Texas Through the Lens

Thur. Jan. 25, 1:00pm-2:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Alyce Bender (Wildside Nature Tours, Tamron Ambassador)

Texas is home to as much natural beauty as the state is wide. Everything from traditional landscapes to wildlife, macro subjects and moody environments. Through this presentation, I will be sharing some of my favorite locations while covering topics such as the best times to visit, suggested gear, and how to get the most from these locations while exploring your own vision. My hope is that by the end you will be inspired to get out and explore the vast state of Texas and all the nature it has to offer!





Light . . .Shadow. . .Background (Part 2)

Fri. Jan. 26, 11:00am-12:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Kevin Loughlin (Wildside Nature Tours)

The art of photography is based upon light and shadow. Having a proper understanding of exposure will help you create better images of any subject and take your photography to the next level! What lies behind your subject can make or break your final image. Learning to pay attention to all elements in your image, especially the background, will help you get better photos. we will discuss using different lenses and depth of focus to isolate your subject or show it in its environment.


Photographing Birds in Flight

Fri. Jan. 26, 1:00pm-2:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Jennifer Leigh Warner (Wildside Nature Tours)

Learn how to photograph birds in flight or hone your wildlife photography skills. During this workshop we will discuss best practice for photographing birds in flight. We will talk about camera settings, how to prepare for photographing birds in different environments and prepare for an infield experience.


Birds of Nome Fri. Jan. 26, 3:00pm-4:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Dawn Wilson (Wildside Nature Tours)

On the western edge of Alaska on the southern boundary of the Seward Peninsula sits Nome, Alaska. This small gold-boom town of 3,600 people and 4,000 muskox has a short summer season of only two months but the open tundra landscape and surrounding mountains actually become abundant with avian species during this time. We will take a look at the uniqueness of the landscape — and the time of year when visitors can photograph birds 24 hours a day in this subarctic region — plus what species visitors might add to their life list, what a visit to Nome is like and tips for adding as many birds as possible.





Peru is for the Birds

Sat. Jan. 27, 11:00am-12:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Dawn Wilson (Wildside Nature Tours)

Compare the bird guide for North American bird species with a guide for bird species in Peru, and you will be amazed how a country just five percent the size of North America can have double the number of bird species. Joy Dawn Wilson on a journey to explore the headwaters of the Amazon River – yes, that starts in Peru and Ecuador, not Brazil — and why that lush ecosystem creates some of the most diverse habitat in the world. We will take a look at just some of the birds found in the region, how exploring the Amazon River offers diverse opportunities and what the experience is like in the middle of the dry season.


Body Position, Light, & Angle: Tips for Photographing Wildlife

Sat. Jan. 27, 1:00pm-2:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Jennifer Leigh Warner (Wildside Nature Tours)

How an animal is standing, walking or flying can make or break your image. Waiting for that critical moment when the stride is just right and knowing exactly when to press the shutter will move you from just ok to really WOW images. During this presentation we will discuss when the body position looks right and how to look for the perfect lighting conditions.


Winter Wildlife Photography in Japan: Exploring the Abundance and Beauty of Japanese Wildlife

Sat. Jan. 27, 3:00pm-4:30pm; Limit 40 Registrants $45

Leader: Alyce Bender (Wildside Nature Tours, Tamron Ambassador)

Japan! A far off land filled steeped in traditions and brimming with beauty. In this presentation, we explore the varied wildlife photography opportunities the Land of the Rising Sun has to offer during the coldest months. This presentation is meant to be an introduction to those interested in traveling to Japan in the heart of winter to photograph species such as the red-crowned crane, Steller’s sea eagle, Ezo red fox, and whooper swan. Having lived there for over two years and as a regular visitor since, I bring firsthand knowledge of this often overlooked photography destination and am open to answering any questions participants might have of this beautiful country.

subject to change without notice

Outdoor – Photography Classes




10 Key Principles to Nature Photography Ten Basic Principles for Better Nature Images Orlando Wetlands Park

Thur. Jan. 25, 6:45am-9:00am; Limit 10 Registrants $65

Leader: Alyce Bender (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up at the parking area for the Orlando Wetlands Park

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn and photograph. There are certain principles that, when implemented, elevate an image regardless of the specific genre within nature photography. In this session we will look at these ten key aspects of nature photography, defining them and discussing how to achieve them. By understanding these principles and how they relate to each other, you can further your bird photography skills in the field and create portfolio-worthy images.


Introduction to Bird Photography Jetty Park

Thur. Jan. 25, 6:45am-9:00am; Limit 10 Registrants Price $65

Leader: Dawn Wilson (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up at the sidewalk in front of the snack bar

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn and photograph.

Are you looking to improve your bird photography skills? Would you like to learn how to properly photograph birds whether they are perched or flying and regardless of the lighting? Do you need some tips and pointers on acquiring a bird in your viewfinder and making sure your autofocus is set up correctly? Join Dawn Wilson for a beginning bird photography class to get you started on a wonderful photographic journey.


Photographing Birds in Flight Sebastian Inlet

Thur. Jan. 25, 6:45am-9:00am; Limit 10 $65

Leader: Jennifer Leigh Warner (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up: Use the north entrance to Sebastian Inlet State Park. Park in the main parking area under the bridge. Meet at the southwest corner of the parking lot near the tidal pool.

Participants will walk around on level areas to photograph birds in flight.

In conjunction with the classroom workshop “Photographing Birds In Flight” We will take what we have learned and get real world practice photographing birds in flight. During this workshop we will discuss best practice for photographing birds in flight. We will talk about camera settings, how to prepare for photographing birds in different environments.


Golden Hour Photo Walk

Thur. Jan. 25, 7:00am-9:00am; Limit 15 Registrants $65

Leader: Ronan Nicholson

Meet Up at the Orlando Wetlands Park, 25155 Wheeler Road, Christmas. Estimated 39 minutes from the Radisson at the Port

Restrooms are available at the visitor center

Orlando Wetlands Park boasts over 250 species reported in its boundaries. Herons and egrets are often obliging, and with the right techniques, will pose for photos. Join the walk if you have a camera and want to photograph the colorful and unique species found in Florida. Expected species include Purple Gallinule, Limpkin, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Anhinga, Tricolored Heron, and more! We will spend more time with individual birds, and focus on taking good photos of them, but many species are often seen this way as well. “Golden hour” is often the best time for photography, and occurs just after sunrise or before sunset. Any camera is acceptable.




Golden Hour Photo Walk

Thur. Jan. 25, 4:00pm-6:00pm; Limit 15 Registrants $65

Leader: Ronan Nicholson

Meet Up at the Orlando Wetlands Park, 25155 Wheeler Road, Christmas. Estimated 39 minutes from the Radisson at the Port

Restrooms are available at the visitor center

Orlando Wetlands Park boasts over 250 species reported in its boundaries. Herons and egrets are often obliging, and with the right techniques, will pose for photos. Join the walk if you have a camera and want to photograph the colorful and unique species found in Florida. Expected species include Purple Gallinule, Limpkin, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Anhinga, Tricolored Heron, and more! We will spend more time with individual birds, and focus on taking good photos of them, but many species are often seen this way as well. “Golden hour” is often the best time for photography, and occurs just after sunrise or before sunset. Any camera is acceptable.




Introduction to Bird Photography Orlando Wetlands Park

Fri. Jan. 26, 6:45am-9:00am; Limit 10 $65

Leader: Dawn Wilson (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up at the parking area for the Orlando Wetlands Park

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn and photograph.

Are you looking to improve your bird photography skills? Would you like to learn how to properly photograph birds whether they are perched or flying and regardless of the lighting? Do you need some tips and pointers on acquiring a bird in your viewfinder and making sure your autofocus is set up correctly? Join Dawn Wilson for a beginning bird photography class to get you started on a wonderful photographic journey.


Creative Photography Using Creative In-Camera Techniques to Create Artistic Images

Fri. Jan. 26, 6:45am-9:00am; Limit 10 $65

Leader: Alyce Bender (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up at the Parrish Park Boat Ramp Parking Lot 1 A. Max Brewer Memorial Pkwy, Titusville at 8:15 a.m. Estimated 33 minutes from the Radisson at the Port.

This is a self-driving tour of the Black Point Wildlife Drive and a walking tour of the Cruickshank Trail. Restroom facilities are available at the trailhead. The expected duration of the walk is 2 hours. In this session, we will explore the world of Creative Photography, such as impressionistic and high/low key. Topics covered will include pre-visualizing scenes, selecting camera settings, and hands-on practice of in-field techniques for these special images. This will give participants the basic tools to experiment on their own to create unique images even in popular shooting locations or with common backyard subjects.


Easy Bird & Wildlife Photography with the OM System OM-1 Orlando Wetlands Park

Fri. Jan. 26, 7:00 am-9:00am; Limit 10 $65

Leader: Stephen Ingraham (Point and Shoot Nature Photographer)

Meet Up at the parking area for the Orlando Wetlands Park

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn and photograph.

Bird and wildlife photography does not need to be any more difficult than it already is…today’s sophisticated cameras, the OM Systems OM-1 in particular, can be set up to produce satisfying bird and wildlife images…taking care of the technical side from focus to exposure to processing the jpeg…so that you can concentrate on seeing and framing the birds and wildlife. There is a full set of videos on my website to help you to get your camera set up in advance. The workshop is a chance to learn the hands-on stuff that cannot be taught in a video, and for you to practice and gain confidence shooting real birds (and whatever else we come across).




Photographing Birds in Flight Sebastian Inlet

Fri. Jan. 26, 4:00pm-6:00pm; Limit 10 $65

Leader: Jennifer Leigh Warner (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up: Use the north entrance to Sebastian Inlet State Park. Park in the main parking area under the bridge. Meet at the southwest corner of the parking lot near the tidal pool.

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn and photograph.

In conjunction with the classroom workshop “Photographing Birds In Flight” We will take what we have learned and get real world practice photographing birds in flight. During this workshop we will discuss best practice for photographing birds in flight. We will talk about camera settings, how to prepare for photographing birds in different environments.




10 Key Principles to Nature Photography Ten Basic Principles for Better Nature Images Blackpoint Wildlife Drive – Merritt Island NWR

Sat. Jan. 27, 6:45am-9:00am; Limit 10 $65

Leader: Alyce Bender (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meetup at the Cruickshank Trail off of Blackpoint Drive

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn key principles for nature photography.

There are certain principles that, when implemented, elevate an image regardless of the specific genre within nature photography. In this session we will look at these ten key aspects of nature photography, defining them and discussing how to achieve them. By understanding these principles and how they relate to each other, you can further your photography skills in the field and create portfolio-worthy images.


Photographing Birds in Flight Orlando Wetlands Park

Sat. Jan. 27, 6:45am-9:00am; Limit 10 $65

Leader: Jennifer Leigh Warner (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up at the parking area for the Orlando Wetlands Park

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn and photograph.

In conjunction with the classroom workshop “Photographing Birds In Flight” We will take what we have learned and get real world practice photographing birds in flight. During this workshop we will discuss best practice for photographing birds in flight. We will talk about camera settings, how to prepare for photographing birds in different environments.


Easy Bird & Wildlife Photography with the OM System OM-1 Orlando Wetlands Park

Sat. Jan. 27, 7:00 am-9:00am; Limit 10 Registrants $65

Leader: Stephen Ingraham (Point and Shoot Nature Photographer)

Meet Up at the parking area for the Orlando Wetlands Park

Participants will walk around the trails at the wetlands to learn and photograph.

Bird and wildlife photography does not need to be any more difficult than it already is…today’s sophisticated cameras, the OM Systems OM-1 in particular, can be set up to produce satisfying bird and wildlife images…taking care of the technical side from focus to exposure to processing the jpeg…so that you can concentrate on seeing and framing the birds and wildlife. There is a full set of videos on my website to help you to get your camera set up in advance. The workshop is a chance to learn the hands-on stuff that cannot be taught in a video, and for you to practice and gain confidence shooting real birds (and whatever else we come across).


Golden Hour Photo Walk

Sat,. Jan. 27, 7:00am-9:00am; Limit 15 Registrants $65

Leader: Ronan Nicholson

Meet Up at the Orlando Wetlands Park, 25155 Wheeler Road, Christmas. Estimated 39 minutes from the Radisson at the Port

Restrooms are available at the visitor center

Orlando Wetlands Park boasts over 250 species reported in its boundaries. Herons and egrets are often obliging, and with the right techniques, will pose for photos. Join the walk if you have a camera and want to photograph the colorful and unique species found in Florida. Expected species include Purple Gallinule, Limpkin, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Anhinga, Tricolored Heron, and more! We will spend more time with individual birds, and focus on taking good photos of them, but many species are often seen this way as well. “Golden hour” is often the best time for photography, and occurs just after sunrise or before sunset. Any camera is acceptable.




Low Angle Bird Photography Jetty Park

Sat. Jan. 27, 3:30pm-6:00pm; Limit 10 $65

Leader:  Dawn Wilson (Wildside Nature Tours)

Meet Up at the sidewalk in front of the snack bar

Participants will learn how to shoot birds at eye level for more impactful bird photography.

Few animals stand at the same height as humans. Birds in particular are much smaller. To capture the images of animals at eye level can take some creative maneuvering — and some playing in the sand, mud and dirt. Who says it isn’t fun to get down and dirty to capture those winning shots? This presentation will take a look at why it is important to photograph at eye level — not matter what that eye level is. Content will also cover how to stay clean and dry in these situations, gear for capturing those low-angle shots and a look at the unique look of those photographs.


Golden Hour Photo Walk

Sat,. Jan. 27, 4:00pm-6:00pm; Limit 15 Registrants $65

Leader: Ronan Nicholson

Meet Up at the Orlando Wetlands Park, 25155 Wheeler Road, Christmas. Estimated 39 minutes from the Radisson at the Port

Restrooms are available at the visitor center

Orlando Wetlands Park boasts over 250 species reported in its boundaries. Herons and egrets are often obliging, and with the right techniques, will pose for photos. Join the walk if you have a camera and want to photograph the colorful and unique species found in Florida. Expected species include Purple Gallinule, Limpkin, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Anhinga, Tricolored Heron, and more! We will spend more time with individual birds, and focus on taking good photos of them, but many species are often seen this way as well. “Golden hour” is often the best time for photography, and occurs just after sunrise or before sunset. Any camera is acceptable.

subject to change without notice


If you have any questions regarding the festival, sponsorship, or exhibiting, please give us a shout.

Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Association

P.O. Box 74, Mims, Florida 32754

January 22nd -26th, 2025


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