Please find all the information regarding sponsorship of the 2025 Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival

Dear Sponsors and Exhibitors,

Join us for our 26th festival at Radisson Resort at the Port, Cape Canaveral, Wednesday, January 22nd through Sunday, January 26th, 2025.

The Expo Center will be open Wednesday through Saturday, including a community art show starting on Wednesday. Local residents as well as out-of-town visitors have the opportunity to visit.

Hours will be 12 to 6 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and 10 to 6 on Saturday. Keynotes on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be at 6 p.m. to avoid taking time away from the Expo Center.

Newly signed up Sponsors and Exhibitors will be listed upon receipt of payment, during scheduled updates.

Our Expo Center booths cost $600 (with a special rate and agreement for non-profits). We are requesting that all exhibitors either donate to our Silent Auction and/or offer a presentation for the afternoon sessions. Exhibitors may also be celebrity guides on field trips, space permitting.

A booth includes electric, and all draped booths are now 8’x 8’ (see exhibitor registration form for complete booth details).

Information on how to submit your Exhibitor Application is outlined on the 2025 Registration Form, button to the right. PLEASE NOTE: Your booth is not reserved until payment is received along with your sales tax form or tax-exempt form, no exceptions. We will do our best to honor your booth location request, however booths are assigned by date of application, previous exhibitor status or level of sponsorship.


If you have any questions regarding the festival, sponsorship, or exhibiting, please give us a shout.

Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Association

P.O. Box 74, Mims, Florida 32754

January 21st -25th, 2026


    Email Address


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